News - AsicMinerz Wed, 29 Mar 2023 14:20:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What to do with the heat of Kirpto’s mining machines? Wed, 29 Mar 2023 13:59:10 +0000 The optimum operating temperature of the devices is around 25 degrees C, if the temperature goes above that, the fans of the machines spin at higher speeds, so the machine consumes more power, and at around 33-35 degrees C the machine chip reaches 100 degrees C so the software automatically stops the machine from running. It is therefore very important to dissipate the heat generated from where the machine is stored and even recycle this generated heat.

How to use the excess heat from ASICs?

1. Dispose it

The first option is not to use the heat generated, i.e., to “throw it away”. Since these machines work best in cold temperatures, this is the easiest way to do it, even by opening a window. Or you can create a so-called cold/hot zone, where the machines automatically use the cold air and push the heat out into the hot zone. This solution is also recommended to reduce the temperature of ASICs.

2. Heating

Heating is the second most commonly used way to recycle excess heat from Asics. The only major disadvantage of this application is that the heat generated can only be used in winter. There are two ways to use it, one is a passive solution by putting it in the room to be heated and letting it work, or alternatively, by using pipes to dissipate the heat. These tubes will draw the warm air into the room to be heated. In this way we can reduce our heating costs while our mining machine works in an ideal environment.

3. Heat the water

The third option is to use the generated heat by the mining machine to heat water. This process is a bit more complicated than space heating, as it requires some kind of heat transfer equipment – such as an intercooler or heat exchanger. This solution is very similar to the use of a large, insulated water tank, which some people already use in residential buildings. One possible way of transferring the heat from the Asic machines to the water system is immersion cooling technology. With this method, the mining machines are immersed in a dielectric fluid, and the system then pumps the fluid into a heat exchanger, which transfers the heat to a water circuit and returns the cooled fluid back to the immersion bath. Depending on the amount of heat generated by the mining process, it can be used to heat pools, hot tubs, or even can provide district or central heating.

4. Glasshouse

There are two ways to apply heat to greenhouses: one is to place the machine in the greenhouse in the right place and under ideal conditions, and the other is to use pipes to let in warm air. In the second option, similar like home heating, ASIC machines can transfer heat through an air duct system or using immersion cooling technology, through a heat exchanger. Recycling the heat of ASIC mining machines to promote the environmental conditions necessary for plant growth is particularly useful in cold-weather locations where temperatures are not suitable for plant growth at certain times of the year.

5. Food and drink production

Some food production systems require supplementary heat, so the heat generated by mining machinery can be used in these industries. Another typical application of heat from ASIC machines in the food industry is preservation. Perhaps the most creative use of ASIC mining machine heat for industrial purposes is in the production of whisky. Alcohol distillation requires high temperatures and distilleries often have separate heating systems which, if the recycled heat from ASIC mining machines is used in the production process, can generate money during the process.

6. Drying

Whether at home or in an industrial complex, we often use artificial drying methods to dry wood, for which can also use the heat generated by our mining machines. Artificial or ‘kiln’ drying consists of storing wood in insulated chambers, known as kilns, and exposing it to heat through heat exchangers heated by natural gas, electricity or steam. This process can use the heat from ASIC machines, which is fed into the kilns through corrugated air ducts, raising the temperature and drying the wood for industrial use.


Mining with ASIC machines becomes more environmentally friendly when we are able to use the excess heat from the machine for any secondary purpose, either at home or in an industrial environment.

If you have further questions about crypto mining machines, book an appointment for an online or a personal a consultation with our crypto experts!

The different types of cryptocurrencyes Thu, 02 Mar 2023 14:03:05 +0000 From stablecoins to NFTs to dog memes, a wide range of cryptos are now available. What the cryptocurrencies have in common is blockchain technology.

According to data from CoinMarketCap as of early March 2023, there are currently around 22500 cryptocurrencies with a total market capitalisation of 819 billion dollars. This is a significant figure because the ‘original’ cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, has been on the market since 2009 – a date many consider to be the birth of crypto.

The first alternatives to the original cryptocurrency – later called altcoins – only appeared in the cryptocurrency world in 2011, such as Litecoin (LTC) and Namecoin (NMC), but altcoins only became popular after the emergence of Ethereum (ETH) in 2014.

Some cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, are used as investment vehicles, while Ethereum, for example, is used for transactional purposes.

Crypto coins vs. crypto tokens

There is also a difference between coins and tokens.

Bitcoin and Ethereum, which run on their own blockchain, are considered coins. When most people think of cryptocurrency, they probably think of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.

Crypto coins run on their own blockchain and are primarily used as a means of payment. A token is a digital asset, that represents a product or utility. Unlike coins, tokens do not need their own blockchain, they can run as part of another network’s ecosystem, for example, there are countless tokens on the Ethereum network.

Types of crypto tokens

  • Value tokens. These types of tokens represent value in digital form, such as an object of art or music.
  • Utility token means “application token” or “user token”. These are tokens that help provide a service. They give users the right to access a service, i.e., to perform operations on a blockchain network or a decentralised application.
  • Security tokens. This type of token represents the ownership of an asset. Companies can use them to raise capital by selling equity tokens. Because they represent ownership of a financial security, these instruments are regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). They differ from NFTs and tokens because they are fungible.


The definition of an altcoin has changed a lot since the beginning of crypto, as there were only a few crypto assets at the beginning, so anything other than Bitcoin was considered an altcoin at the time.

Today, the world of cryptocurrencies is much larger, with a variety of coins and tokens whose use cases go well beyond being a medium of exchange. Many of these cryptos are not necessarily in competition with Bitcoin.

The leading altcoin today is Ethereum, with a market capitalisation of $150 billion compared to Bitcoin’s $325 billion. Other significant altcoins include Solana (SOL) and Cardano (ADA). SOL and ADA are considered to be competitors to Ethereum.

Altcoins can have different purposes beyond serving as a mere digital currency. While Bitcoin is a form of decentralised currency, Ethereum is a computing network that allows users to run decentralised applications on the blockchain and accept smart contracts.

Meme coins

Meme coins are the comedians of the crypto world. These coins gain popularity and traction through memes and social media. The term is also used somewhat jokingly to describe coins that explode on social media.

The original meme coin that started it all, is the Dogecoin (DOGE), which is based around the “doge” Shiba Inu dog meme. But what started as a joke turned into a demonstrable cult asset as users flocked to the tool. As a result, more meme coins began to appear.

More than 200 tokens have been created since Dogecoin was first launched. But while the concept of tokens is fun, they can fall as quickly as they rise. DOGE is now only a tenth of what it was at its peak just over a year ago. But it’s an important lesson for all cryptocurrency investors to bear in mind.

The lesson

While cryptocurrencies represent important technological, financial, economic and IT innovations, investing in them is as risky as any form of investment.

If you have questions about cryptos or crypto mining, book an appointment for a personal or online consultation.

Vipera Tech x Asicminerz Repair European partnership Thu, 09 Feb 2023 12:15:32 +0000 At AsicMinerz, we have built up a dedicated service team over the last few years to help our customers fix any issues they have with their mining machines.

Headquartered in Dubai, with parent companies in the US, Canada and Singapore, Vipera Computer Systems Trading provides outstanding products and services in the areas of cryptocurrency, digital advertising, A.I. processes, corporate I.T. and PC gaming.

Vipera has chosen us as a strategic partner for the repair and maintenance of mining equipment for their European customers, thanks to our experience and specialised manufacturer training gained over the years.

James Campana, CEO of VIPERA

“We are thrilled to be partnering with EESH,” said James Campana, CEO of VIPERA. “Their expertise in repair and maintenance of miners will be a valuable asset to our customers and will help us to better serve their needs.”

Bence Józsa, AsicMinerz CEO

“We are excited to be working with VIPERA and to be able to offer our repair and maintenance expertise to their customers.”

The partnership will give Vipera Tech customers the opportunity to benefit from AsicMinerz’s outstanding service support, as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions about servicing your mining equipment, book an appointment for a personal or online consultation with our experts.

The new generation Goldshell KD-Box II has arrived Tue, 24 Jan 2023 13:25:55 +0000 Adjustable power

The new mining machine is capable of a maximum output of 5 Th/s with a power consumption of 400 watts. A special feature of the machine is that the users can choose between two power levels and can easily set the machine to run at maximum hashrate or at 70% hashrate (3.5 Th/s) with 65% power consumption (260 W).

Only the interior has changed

The new miner has an unchanged exterior and weight. The increase in performance (KD Box Pro’s 2.6 Th/s performance was increased by Goldshell to 5 Th/s in KD Box II) did not involve a large increase in noise level, its sound output is ~35 dB, so thanks to both of its size and its noise emission, it remains an ideal choice for home use.

Technical Specifications

  • Model: KD-Box II
  • Release: December 2022
  • Weight: 2,00 kg
  • Noise level: 35 dB
  • Fan(s): 2
  • Power: 400 W
  • Interface: Ethernet
  • Temperature: 0 – 35 °C
  • Humidity: 5 – 95%

About Kadena coin

Kadena works on the work of proof principle, which means it can be classified as a classical mineable coin. The Kadena coin can be mined with machines specially designed to mine Kadena algorihm.
Kadena provides a definitive solution to the blockchain trilemma of maximizing the triple function of decentralization, scalability, and security to make it work almost perfectly. This problem has been solved by the developers by applying a new, specific blockchain technology, blockchain interlacing. This allows the blockchain to achieve almost industrial performance, capable of 480,000 transactions per second.

If you have further questions about the mining machine, book an appointment for a personal or online consultation with our experts.

How does the price of Bitcoin affect other cryptocurrencies? Wed, 18 Jan 2023 15:06:56 +0000 Which was therefore of great importance, because the last time the price was permanently below the psychological limit of 20 000 USD was in December 2020. The exchange rate was below 20 000 dollars for 10 weeks and sometimes went down to around 15 700 dollars. So, everyone was positively affected when we crossed 20 000 USD again at the beginning of January 2023.

This increase in more than 20% in one week, which many see as the end of the bear market. The price increase was accompanied by a fairly high market capitalization of almost 25%.

But what effect does Bitcoin’s exchange rate have on other cryptocurrencies? To what extent has the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies been rearranged by the rise in the exchange rate? Now let’s take a look how the price and market capitalization of the major minable cryptocurrencies have changed over the past week.

Ethereum Classic

The role and market share of Ethereum Classic has increased greatly since the transition of Ethereum. It is currently the 24th cryptocurrency by Market cap. In the past week, its exchange rate has strengthened, on January 10, the exchange rate hovered around 20 USD (at the end of 2022 the exchange rate was around 15 USD), which after a week keeps the value of 22 USD quite stable, which is a 10% rise. ETC’s market share also seems to be strengthening, only in the last one week a 12% increase was experienced.

Mining devices for mining Ethereum Classic:


Litecoin is the 13th most popular cryptocurrency by market share. Like other coins, the price of Litecoin rose by 7,5% in the last week, parallel to the rise in the price of Bitcoin, i.e., from 80 USD to 86 USD, while its market share increased by 10%.

Miners suitable for mining Litecoin and Scrypt algorithm

  • Bitmain AntMiner L7 8800 Mh/s
  • Bitmain AntMiner L7 9050 Mh/s


Kadena is only the 134th cryptocurrency based on market share, yet due to its stability and mineability, it is one of the most popular POW-based currencies. Over the past week, Kadena has risen from 0,9 USD to 1,09 USD, which is a 20% increase. In terms of market share, achieved a 15% increase, which also strengthens its position.

Mining machines for Kadena mining:


Dogecoin price hovered around 0,075 dollars in early January 2023, which is rising to around 0,085 dollars within a week. This represents an increase of 13%. Based on the market share, it increased by 15% compared to the beginning of the year, which makes it the 9th place among cryptocurrencies.

Mining devices suitable for DogeCoin mining and Scrypt algorithm mining:

If you have any questions about crypto or crypto mining, make an appointment for our online or personal consultation.

Examined period: 11. 01. 2023. – 18. 01. 2023.

Types of crypto wallets Tue, 03 Jan 2023 14:00:55 +0000 In other words, the crypto wallet is like your physical wallet and is used, to connect to the given blockchain. You don’t actually store money in the wallets, only information that you can use to generate the data, which is needed to use your cryptocurrencies. These tools keep the information for sending and receiving your cryptocurrencies between the user and the blockchain network.

Hot and Cold wallets

Crypto wallets can be grouped in two ways. One way to compare is whether are they connected to the Internet or not. Accordingly, we are talking about hot or online and cold or offline wallets.

Hot wallets are that crypto wallets, where the private key is stored on a device that has an internet connection. These are less secure than cold wallets, but they are very convenient for frequent use. Hot wallets can be classified as desktop wallets, mobile wallets and for example exchange wallets.

Unlike hot wallets, cold wallets are not connected to the internet. In other words, the private key(s) of the given wallet is stored on a device, which is not connected to the internet. Examples of such devices are Ledger and paper-based wallets.

Software, hardware, or paper-based wallets

According to the other comparison method, we can talk about software, hardware, or paper-based wallets. The software wallets are the most common ones – in this case, we access our cryptocurrencies using a software.

Hardware wallets are physical wallets, we physically have them, for example Ledger, which is like a pendrive and we can store our cryptocurrency on it offline.

Paper wallets are actually printed QR codes, with the help of which we reach our wallets.

In summary, if you want to keep your crypto safe in the long term, choose one of the cold wallets, and if you use your currencies often, then the hot wallets are right for you. Whichever solution you choose, make sure you never give your private key to others.

If you have a question about crypto wallets or crypto mining, book an appointment for a personal or online consultation.

What kind of internet is needed for crypto mining? Wed, 28 Dec 2022 13:13:57 +0000 Now let’s see what kind of internet you need for crypto mining.


Bandwidth is the amount of data, that can be transmitted simultaneously. This is usually measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Mining devices do not require too much bandwidth, an average, home internet connection with a speed of a few megabits can be enough, and you can even operate your devices with mobile internet. A crypto mining machine generates about 100-200 megabytes per month.

Response time (Latency)

The response time is the time interval, as much as is required to transfer a data packet overt the network connection. This time is usually measured in milliseconds (ms). Response time is extremely important in crypto mining. If you work with a slow response time, there is a greater chance that another miner will decipher the code of the blockchain, so you will not receive the reward for the deciphered block. On average, the accepted delay during crypto mining is 70 ms, but the lower this time, the more ideal it is for crypto mining.


The stability of the Internet is a key factor during crypto mining, since if we have the minimum bandwidth and the response time is adequate, but the internet is stuck, the data transmission is intermittent, then our mining machine can hardly communicate with the blockchain, and we lose our deserved reward. The best solution to ensure stability is to use a wired internet connection, using an ethernet cable.

In summary: if you start crypto mining, you do not necessarily need to make changes to your home or office internet package, as your mining machine’s internet usage will not interfere with your daily data traffic. What you should check is whether you can set up wired internet for your mining machine and whether your internet has the fastest possible response time.

If you have any further questions about crypto mining, book an appointment for an online or a personal consultation.

How is an ASIC miner built? Tue, 20 Dec 2022 10:42:09 +0000 An ASIC mining machine basically consist of the following parts: a power supply, the housing – in which the hashboards are located – and the control board, which is located on top.

The power supply is connected to the machine housing under a protective cover, which helps the hashboards to receive the high voltage which is necessary for their operation. The control board’s power point and the data cable are located in the same place, that controls the intelligent power supply by the control board.

The control board is actually the brain of the miner, it controls the hashboards, the power supply, all the fans and all the processes that are needed for mining. It contains the initial start-up parameters, all the data what is needed for the operation of the machine is saved in it, and also contains the operating system.

The S19 miner contains 3 hashboards, which are located next to each other. There are passive heat sinks on both sides of the boards, which are responsible for providing continuous cooling for the chips on the hashboards.
There are two fans on each side of the machine housing, on the inlet and outlet sides.

On one side of the hashboard, each heatsink represents a chip and on the other side, the heat dissipation panels are located.

The basic structure is the same for all Asics: they contain a power supply, a control board, hashboards and special Asics chips corresponding to their performance.

And if you have any questions about mining devices, make an appointment for an online or a personal consultation!

Fiat money, cryptocurrencies and electronic currencies Thu, 15 Dec 2022 10:12:46 +0000 Cryptocurrencies are gaining ground in the global financial industry; they are becoming more widespread as a payment option and investors have become increasingly interested in cryptocurrencies as part of their overall investment fund portfolio.
A growing number of countries are working to adopt and regulate cryptocurrencies and issue their own electronic currencies. Many people agree that cryptocurrencies will soon surpass the use of fiat money and soon we will all have our own wallets.

The Fiat Money

Until the 1930s, the issue of money was backed by 100% gold for countries. This meant that a country could issue as many banknotes as it had gold reserves. In 1933, the US government stopped the conversion of currency into gold, which was later followed by many countries. Currently, there is no country, that still applies the “gold standard”, i.e. fiat money is not linked to underlying assets and has no intrinsic value.

Governments control how much money is printed and put into circulation. The supply of fiat money is potentially unlimited as governments can decide how much money to print. Paper money, such as the US dollar, the euro, and the forint, is also fiat money. The value of paper money depends partly on the supply and demand relationship and partly on people’s faith in their government. Politically highly unstable countries often experience massive inflation or hyperinflation, i.e., currency depreciation.


Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, unlike fiat money, are not issued by a central authority, are not controlled by a government or institution, and therefore represent a unique financial system because of their decentralised structure. As with fiat money, the value of cryptocurrencies depends on people’s trust, as they are not linked to underlying assets and have no intrinsic value. However, trust should be directed towards the blockchain technology and the proof-of-work mechanism that can be verified by all, rather than towards a central government.
Small and large borderless transactions can be carried out quickly, securely, and easily. The decentralised and open-source nature of the cryptocurrencies makes it a very secure system, as no single node (member) of the network can make a decision.
All transactions require the approval and consensus of the entire network. The more people contribute to the network, the more secure the system becomes. In addition, for example, another feature of Bitcoin that makes it valuable and protects it from inflation is its absolute scarcity, guaranteed by the limit of 21 million minable coins.

Electronic currencies

Electronic currencies are digital currencies issued by central banks in response to the growing digitalisation and proliferation of cryptocurrencies over which they have no control. The supply of e-currencies is potentially unlimited and they have all the characteristics of fiat money, except that e-currencies are intangible and therefore allow faster transfers.

If you have further questions about cryptocurrencies, book an appointment for our online consultation!

Time is money Thu, 01 Dec 2022 15:30:46 +0000 If crypto mining machines are not working they are not producing, which can be bad for you. Every day that your mining machine is not working is a day that it is not earning money. It is vital that your mining machines are in good working order and operating at full capacity. However, breakdowns do happen, so it pays to know an excellent ASIC servicer.

Now we’ll look at the 5 qualities we think are the most important for a good servicer

1. Reliable communication

Customer service communication and mindset is paramount when it comes to repairing and servicing mining equipment. Always check with your chosen repair shop at what point during the work process they will consult with you to ensure that your mining machine is completed quickly and efficiently. It is important that there is good communication between the customer and the repairer from diagnosis to delivery.

2. Cost effective ASIC repair

Something to consider when repairing your mining machine is cost-effectiveness. Low cost, fast and reliable repairs eliminate the headache of broken mining machines. When a machine breaks down, you not only lose revenue, but you are also distracted from your core business and run into technical problems.
The best ASIC miner repair companies will find the effective way to eliminate wasted time and can tell you exactly how long it will take to repair your machine.

3. Post-repair testing and optimization

For any mining machine repair, it is paramount importance to test the machine properly after a re-drilling at the end of the repair. Be sure to choose a repair shop, that will undertake to test your mining machine after the repair.

4. Available location

Your best chance of a quick and cost-effective repair, with low transport costs and fast turnaround times, is to choose a European location, that is close to where your mining machine is stored. Most Asic mining machine repair service centers are located in China, but you can find now Asic mining machine repair service center in Hungary.

5. Appropriate certificate

It is important that the repair shop you choose has an official certificate, issued by the manufacturer. At AsicMinerz, for example, we are Bitmain certified,we have received the same rigorous training as the manufacturer offers overseas.

If you are interested in our service, contact us or book an appointment for an online consultation.
